Workshop on Web Development – CSYAG Technology Subcommittee
The Technology Subcommittee of the Colombo Scout Youth Advisory Group – CSYAG hosted their first Subcommittee Workshop on Web Development on 27th June 2021 from 8.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. as a virtual workshop. The workshop which was exclusive to the members of the Technology Subcommittee and to the CSYAG, was conducted by Mr. Dushyantha Vithanage, Mr. Shehan Saleem and Mr. Sidath Gajanayake who are professionals in the IT Sector. These workshops are conducted for the benefit of the members of CSYAG Subcommittees in order to give them a professional learning experience whilst they volunteer to support the District Branch in the scope of their Subcommittee. We would like to extend our gratitude to the three Resource Personnel who made this workshop a great learning experience to all participants and hope the participants will make the best use of the learning in the future!