Colombo Scouts – Vesak Card Competition
Despite of all the limitations in doing Scout outdoor activities due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, and to keep scouts active with Vesak Celebrations, Colombo Districts Branch organized a Virtual Vesak Card Competition.
Scouts were invited to participate in the event by submitting their creative Vesak card designs done with any arrangement like paint, collage, handcraft, etc. and post them on Colombo Scouts Facebook page, from 2nd to 6th May. The competition was held under three categories:
1) Cub Scouts
2) Junior Scouts &
3) Senior Scouts.
Total of 50 winners were selected under all three categories and published, out of all the submitted entries of more than 1150, from Cubs and Scouts with different religious followings. Winners are to be recognized with a special certificate and all participants for the competition will also be appreciated with a certificate.
We would like to specially thank all the ADCs who organized this activity led by ADC, Mr. Sampath Wijesinghe and all Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim & Catholic Cub Scouts and Scouts who participated in the competition with their creative card designs. The contribution and assistance of all Scout Leaders/ Akelas was commendable, by creating enthusiasm among their respective Scouts and Cubs.